Atomistry » Chlorine » PDB 8s2v-8sio » 8s7t
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Chlorine in PDB 8s7t: Vanillyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Marinicaulis Flavus: P151N Mutant

Protein crystallography data

The structure of Vanillyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Marinicaulis Flavus: P151N Mutant, PDB code: 8s7t was solved by T.B.Guerriere, A.Mattevi, with X-Ray Crystallography technique. A brief refinement statistics is given in the table below:

Resolution Low / High (Å) 143.22 / 2.10
Space group C 2 2 21
Cell size a, b, c (Å), α, β, γ (°) 89.525, 142.426, 286.436, 90, 90, 90
R / Rfree (%) 18.4 / 23.2

Chlorine Binding Sites:

The binding sites of Chlorine atom in the Vanillyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Marinicaulis Flavus: P151N Mutant (pdb code 8s7t). This binding sites where shown within 5.0 Angstroms radius around Chlorine atom.
In total 4 binding sites of Chlorine where determined in the Vanillyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Marinicaulis Flavus: P151N Mutant, PDB code: 8s7t:
Jump to Chlorine binding site number: 1; 2; 3; 4;

Chlorine binding site 1 out of 4 in 8s7t

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Chlorine binding site 1 out of 4 in the Vanillyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Marinicaulis Flavus: P151N Mutant

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Chlorine with other atoms in the Cl binding site number 1 of Vanillyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Marinicaulis Flavus: P151N Mutant within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

O A:GLY426 3.4 48.1 1.0
O A:PRO169 3.9 33.1 1.0
N A:GLY272 4.0 33.9 1.0
C A:ASN271 4.0 38.2 1.0
NZ A:LYS264 4.1 54.0 1.0
O A:GLN270 4.3 36.9 1.0
CA A:ASN271 4.3 37.8 1.0
O A:HOH770 4.3 36.4 1.0
O A:HOH723 4.3 35.3 1.0
C A:GLY426 4.4 43.4 1.0
O A:ASN271 4.4 39.9 1.0
O A:THR168 4.5 36.7 1.0
CA A:GLY272 4.6 39.0 1.0
C A:PRO169 4.6 40.2 1.0
CA A:PRO169 4.7 36.3 1.0
O A:HOH802 4.8 63.3 1.0
C A:GLN270 4.9 38.2 1.0
N A:GLY171 5.0 37.7 1.0
CA A:GLY426 5.0 38.1 1.0
N A:ASN271 5.0 38.1 1.0

Chlorine binding site 2 out of 4 in 8s7t

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Chlorine binding site 2 out of 4 in the Vanillyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Marinicaulis Flavus: P151N Mutant

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Chlorine with other atoms in the Cl binding site number 2 of Vanillyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Marinicaulis Flavus: P151N Mutant within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

NE2 A:GLN290 4.9 53.2 1.0

Chlorine binding site 3 out of 4 in 8s7t

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Chlorine binding site 3 out of 4 in the Vanillyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Marinicaulis Flavus: P151N Mutant

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Chlorine with other atoms in the Cl binding site number 3 of Vanillyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Marinicaulis Flavus: P151N Mutant within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

O A:HOH706 2.9 56.3 1.0
OD1 A:ASP329 3.7 56.9 1.0
NE A:ARG241 3.8 52.6 1.0
CZ A:PHE349 4.1 50.5 1.0
CG A:ARG241 4.3 48.0 1.0
CD1 A:LEU321 4.3 43.4 1.0
NH2 A:ARG241 4.3 48.2 1.0
CE1 A:PHE349 4.4 44.5 1.0
CZ A:ARG241 4.5 51.3 1.0
CD A:ARG241 4.6 50.5 1.0
CB A:ARG241 4.6 43.7 1.0
CE2 A:PHE349 4.7 46.9 1.0
CD1 A:TRP332 4.7 43.4 1.0
CB A:TRP332 4.8 43.9 1.0
CG A:TRP332 4.8 42.9 1.0
CG A:ASP329 4.9 47.9 1.0
CA A:ASP329 4.9 43.6 1.0

Chlorine binding site 4 out of 4 in 8s7t

Go back to Chlorine Binding Sites List in 8s7t
Chlorine binding site 4 out of 4 in the Vanillyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Marinicaulis Flavus: P151N Mutant

Mono view

Stereo pair view

A full contact list of Chlorine with other atoms in the Cl binding site number 4 of Vanillyl-Alcohol Dehydrogenase From Marinicaulis Flavus: P151N Mutant within 5.0Å range:
probe atom residue distance (Å) B Occ

O B:HOH751 3.8 40.8 1.0
NH1 B:ARG413 4.0 45.0 1.0
CE B:MET314 4.3 50.3 1.0
CG1 B:ILE298 4.4 48.3 1.0
CG2 B:VAL279 4.6 41.0 1.0
CD1 B:ILE298 4.6 47.6 1.0
O B:ILE298 4.6 43.7 1.0
CB B:ALA303 4.7 46.1 1.0
CZ B:ARG413 4.8 45.8 1.0


T.B.Guerriere, A.Vancheri, I.Ricotti, S.A.Serapian, D.Eggerichs, D.Tischler, G.Colombo, M.L.Mascotti, M.W.Fraaije, A.Mattevi. Dehydrogenase Versus Oxidase Function: the Interplay Between Substrate Binding and Flavin Microenvironment Acs Catalysis 1046 2025.
ISSN: ESSN 2155-5435
DOI: 10.1021/ACSCATAL.4C05944
Page generated: Sat Feb 8 17:19:35 2025

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