Atomistry » Chlorine » PDB 8bsg-8byo
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Chlorine in PDB, part 577 (files: 23041-23080), PDB 8bsg-8byo

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Chlorine (Cl) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Chlorine atoms. PDB files: 23041-23080 (PDB 8bsg-8byo).
  1. 8bsg (Cl: 4) - Complex of Leporine Serum Albumin with Diclofenac
    Other atoms: Na (1);
  2. 8bsr (Cl: 1) - Notum Inhibitor ARUK3006562
    Other atoms: F (3);
  3. 8bst (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of the Kainate Receptor GLUK3-H523A Ligand Binding Domain in Complex with Kainate at 2.7A Resolution
    Other atoms: Zn (13);
  4. 8bsu (Cl: 22) - Crystal Structure of the Kainate Receptor GLUK3-H523A Ligand Binding Domain in Complex with Kainate and the Positive Allosteric Modulator BPAM344 at 2.9A Resolution
    Other atoms: F (8); Zn (20);
  5. 8bt1 (Cl: 2) - Ydat Transcription Regulator (Cii Functional Analog)
  6. 8bt2 (Cl: 1) - Notum Inhibitor ARUK3004876
    Other atoms: F (3);
  7. 8bt7 (Cl: 2) - Notum Inhibitor ARUK3004903
  8. 8bta (Cl: 1) - Notum Inhibitor ARUK3004308
  9. 8btc (Cl: 2) - Notum Inhibitor ARUK3004558
  10. 8bte (Cl: 1) - Notum Inhibitor ARUK3004470
  11. 8bti (Cl: 1) - Notum Inhibitor ARUK3004556
  12. 8bu0 (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of An 8 Repeat Consensus Tpr Superhelix with Calcium
    Other atoms: Ca (6);
  13. 8bu1 (Cl: 6) - Structure of DDB1 Bound to DS17-Engaged CDK12-Cyclin K
  14. 8bu2 (Cl: 6) - Structure of DDB1 Bound to DS18-Engaged CDK12-Cyclin K
  15. 8bu4 (Cl: 6) - Structure of DDB1 Bound to DS22-Engaged CDK12-Cyclin K
  16. 8bu5 (Cl: 6) - Structure of DDB1 Bound to Sr-4835-Engaged CDK12-Cyclin K
  17. 8bu7 (Cl: 6) - Structure of DDB1 Bound to 21195-Engaged CDK12-Cyclin K
  18. 8buc (Cl: 3) - Structure of DDB1 Bound to DCEMM3-Engaged CDK12-Cyclin K
  19. 8buq (Cl: 3) - Structure of DDB1 Bound to DS43-Engaged CDK12-Cyclin K
  20. 8buv (Cl: 2) - Hiv-1 Integrase Catalytic Core Domain and C-Terminal Domain in Complex with Allosteric Integrase Inhibitor Ledgin 3
    Other atoms: Mg (2);
  21. 8bvp (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of An N-Terminal Fragment of the Effector Protein LPG2504 (Sidi) From Legionella Pneumophila
  22. 8bvs (Cl: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Rat SLC22A6 Bound to Tenofovir
  23. 8bw1 (Cl: 3) - Yeast 20S Proteasome in Complex with An Engineered Fellutamide Derivative (C14QAL)
    Other atoms: Mg (8);
  24. 8bw7 (Cl: 1) - Cryo-Em Structure of Rat SLC22A6 Bound to Alpha-Ketoglutaric Acid
  25. 8bwk (Cl: 6) - Metagenomic Derived PL6 Alginate Lyase
  26. 8bwx (Cl: 1) - Fragment-Linked Stabilizer For 14-3-3 and Era (1075298)
  27. 8bx4 (Cl: 2) - Fragment-Linked Stabilizer For Era - 14-3-3 Interaction (1074392)
  28. 8bxs (Cl: 1) - Fragment-Linked Stabilizer For Era - 14-3-3 Interaction (1075293)
  29. 8bxt (Cl: 2) - Structure of Staygold
  30. 8by0 (Cl: 1) - Streptavidin Mutant S112I K121R with An Iridium Catalyst For Ch Activation
    Other atoms: Ir (1);
  31. 8by9 (Cl: 1) - Fragment-Linked Stabilizer For Era - 14-3-3 Interaction (1075292)
    Other atoms: F (2);
  32. 8byb (Cl: 1) - Fragment-Linked Stabilizer For Era - 14-3-3 Interaction (1074398)
  33. 8byc (Cl: 1) - Fragment-Linked Stabilizer For Era - 14-3-3 Interaction (1075316)
    Other atoms: Mg (3);
  34. 8byd (Cl: 1) - Fragment-Linked Stabilizer For Era - 14-3-3 Interactions (1075288)
  35. 8bye (Cl: 1) - Fragment-Linked Stabilizer For Era - 14-3-3 Interaction (1075313)
  36. 8byf (Cl: 1) - Fragment-Linked Stabilizer For Era - 14-3-3 Interaction (1047455)
  37. 8byg (Cl: 1) - Fragment-Linked Stabilizer For Era - 14-3-3 Interaction (1047648)
  38. 8byh (Cl: 3) - Crystal Structure of Trmd Domain From Calditerrivibrio Nitroreducens in Complex with S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine
  39. 8byk (Cl: 1) - The Structure of Madc From Clostridium Maddingley Reveals New Insights Into Class I Lanthipeptide Cyclases
    Other atoms: Zn (1); Na (2);
  40. 8byo (Cl: 1) - Fragment-Linked Stabilizer For Era - 14-3-3 Interaction (1074361)
    Other atoms: Mg (3); F (1);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 09:06:11 2025

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