Atomistry » Chlorine » PDB 2x8r-2xep
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      2xel »

Chlorine in PDB, part 91 (files: 3601-3640), PDB 2x8r-2xep

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Chlorine (Cl) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Chlorine atoms. PDB files: 3601-3640 (PDB 2x8r-2xep).
  1. 2x8r (Cl: 6) - The Structure of A Family GH25 Lysozyme From Aspergillus Fumigatus
  2. 2x8s (Cl: 3) - Crystal Structure of the ABN2 D171A Mutant in Complex with Arabinotriose
    Other atoms: Na (2); Ca (1);
  3. 2x8t (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of the ABN2 H318A Mutant
    Other atoms: Na (1); Ca (2);
  4. 2x98 (Cl: 13) - H.Salinarum Alkaline Phosphatase
    Other atoms: Mg (11); Zn (4); Na (2);
  5. 2x9d (Cl: 5) - Tet Repressor (Class D) in Complex with Iso-7 Chlortetracycline
  6. 2x9h (Cl: 5) - Crystal Structure of Myosin-2 Motor Domain in Complex with Adp-Metavanadate and Pentachlorocarbazole
    Other atoms: V (1); Mg (1);
  7. 2xa4 (Cl: 2) - Inhibitors of JAK2 Kinase Domain
    Other atoms: F (2);
  8. 2xad (Cl: 8) - Crystal Structure of Deacetylase-Teicoplanin Complex in Biosynthesis Pathway of Teicoplanin
  9. 2xae (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of Human Kinesin EG5 in Complex with (R)-2-Amino-3-((S)-2-Methyl-1,1-Diphenylbutylthio)Propanoic Acid
    Other atoms: Mg (3);
  10. 2xat (Cl: 2) - Complex of the Hexapeptide Xenobiotic Acetyltransferase with Chloramphenicol and Desulfo-Coenzyme A
  11. 2xb0 (Cl: 2) - Dna-Binding Domain From Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Chromatin- Remodelling Protein CHD1
  12. 2xb5 (Cl: 1) - Tet Repressor (Class D) in Complex with 7-Iodotetracycline
    Other atoms: Mg (1); I (1);
  13. 2xb6 (Cl: 5) - Revisited Crystal Structure of NEUREXIN1BETA-NEUROLIGIN4 Complex
    Other atoms: Ca (2);
  14. 2xb7 (Cl: 1) - Structure of Human Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Complex with Nvp- TAE684
  15. 2xbp (Cl: 1) - A Novel Signal Transduction Protein Pii Variant From Synechococcus Elongatus PCC7942 Indicates A Two-Step Process For Nagk Pii Complex Formation
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  16. 2xbr (Cl: 8) - Raman Crystallography of Hen White Egg Lysozyme - Low X-Ray Dose (0.2 Mgy)
  17. 2xbs (Cl: 8) - Raman Crystallography of Hen White Egg Lysozyme - High X- Ray Dose (16 Mgy)
  18. 2xbv (Cl: 1) - Factor Xa in Complex with A Pyrrolidine-3,4-Dicarboxylic Acid Inhibitor
    Other atoms: F (3); Ca (1); Na (1);
  19. 2xbw (Cl: 1) - Factor Xa in Complex with A Pyrrolidine-3,4-Dicarboxylic Acid Inhibitor
    Other atoms: F (1); Ca (1); Na (1);
  20. 2xbx (Cl: 1) - Factor Xa in Complex with A Pyrrolidine-3,4-Dicarboxylic Acid Inhibitor
    Other atoms: F (1); Ca (1); Na (1);
  21. 2xby (Cl: 1) - Factor Xa in Complex with A Pyrrolidine-3,4-Dicarboxylic Acid Inhibitor
    Other atoms: F (1); Ca (1); Na (1);
  22. 2xc4 (Cl: 1) - Factor Xa in Complex with A Pyrrolidine-3,4-Dicarboxylic Acid Inhibitor
    Other atoms: F (4); Ca (1); Na (1);
  23. 2xc5 (Cl: 1) - Factor Xa in Complex with A Pyrrolidine-3,4-Dicarboxylic Acid Inhibitor
    Other atoms: F (2); Ca (1); Na (1);
  24. 2xcd (Cl: 3) - Structure of Yncf,the Genomic Dutpase From Bacillus Subtilis
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Na (6);
  25. 2xci (Cl: 8) - Membrane-Embedded Monofunctional Glycosyltransferase Waaa of Aquifex Aeolicus, Substrate-Free Form
    Other atoms: Ni (4);
  26. 2xcu (Cl: 1) - Membrane-Embedded Monofunctional Glycosyltransferase Waaa of Aquifex Aeolicus, Comlex with Cmp
  27. 2xcy (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of Aspergillus Fumigatus Sialidase
  28. 2xd5 (Cl: 2) - Structural Insights Into the Catalytic Mechanism and the Role of Streptococcus Pneumoniae PBP1B
  29. 2xd6 (Cl: 1) - HSP90 Complexed with A Resorcylic Acid Macrolactone.
  30. 2xdh (Cl: 3) - Non-Cellulosomal Cohesin From the Hyperthermophilic Archaeon Archaeoglobus Fulgidus
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  31. 2xds (Cl: 1) - Structre of HSP90 with Small Molecule Inhibitor Bound
  32. 2xdu (Cl: 1) - Structre of HSP90 with Small Molecule Inhibitor Bound
    Other atoms: Mg (1);
  33. 2xdx (Cl: 1) - Structre of HSP90 with Small Molecule Inhibitor Bound
  34. 2xe4 (Cl: 4) - Structure of Oligopeptidase B From Leishmania Major
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  35. 2xef (Cl: 1) - Human Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II in Complex with Antibody-Recruiting Molecule Arm-P8
    Other atoms: Ca (1); Zn (2);
  36. 2xeg (Cl: 1) - Human Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II in Complex with Antibody-Recruiting Molecule Arm-P4
    Other atoms: Ca (1); Zn (2);
  37. 2xei (Cl: 1) - Human Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II in Complex with Antibody-Recruiting Molecule Arm-P2
    Other atoms: Ca (1); Zn (2);
  38. 2xej (Cl: 1) - Human Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II in Complex with Arm-M4, Urea-Based Inhibitor
    Other atoms: Ca (1); Zn (2);
  39. 2xel (Cl: 5) - Molecular Mechanism of Pentachloropseudilin Mediated Inhibition of Myosin Motor Activity
    Other atoms: Mg (1); V (1);
  40. 2xep (Cl: 2) - Structural and Mechanistic Studies on A Cephalosporin Esterase From the Clavulanic Acid Biosynthesis Pathway
Page generated: Sun Feb 9 09:50:00 2025

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