Chlorine in PDB, part 584 (files: 23321-23360),
PDB 8d7l-8dgz
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Chlorine (Cl) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Chlorine atoms. PDB files: 23321-23360 (PDB 8d7l-8dgz).
8d7l (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme at 250 Kelvin (Duplicate)
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8d7q (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme at 250 Kelvin (Triplicate)
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8d7s (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme at 275 Kelvin
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8d88 (Cl: 2) - Structure of Y430F D-Ornithine/D-Lysine Decarboxylase Complex with D- Lysine
Other atoms:
Na (4);
8d89 (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Novel GH5 Enzyme Retrieved From Capybara Gut Metagenome
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8d8a (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme at 275 Kelvin (Duplicate)
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8d8b (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme at 275 Kelvin (Triplicate)
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8d8c (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme at 300 Kelvin
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8d8d (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme at 300 Kelvin (Duplicate)
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8d8e (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme at 300 Kelvin (Triplicate)
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8d8f (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme at 325 Kelvin
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8d8g (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme at 325 Kelvin (Duplicate)
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8d8h (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Hen Egg White Lysozyme at 325 Kelvin (Triplicate)
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8d8i (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Reverb Alpha in Complex with Synthetic Agonist
8d8x (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Choe in Complex with Acetate and Thiocholine (Crystal Form 2)
8d8y (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of Choe N147A Mutant in Complex with Acetylthiocholine
8d8z (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of Choe N147A Mutant in Complex with Thiocholine and Chloride
8d9p (Cl: 1) - De Novo Photosynthetic Reaction Center Protein Equipped with Heme B and Mn(II) Cations
Other atoms:
Mn (2);
Fe (1);
8dak (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Gdp-D-Glycero-4-Keto-D-Lyxo-Heptose-3- Epimerase From Campylobacter Jejuni, Serotype Hs:3
8db5 (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of the Gdp-D-Glycero-4-Keto-D-Lyxo-Heptose-3,5- Epimerase From Campylobacter Jejuni, Serotype Hs:15
8dc9 (Cl: 3) - Rna Ligase Rtcb From Pyrococcus Horikoshii in Complex with MN2+ and Gtp
Other atoms:
Mn (4);
8dcb (Cl: 2) - Rna Ligase Rtcb From Pyrococcus Horikoshii in Complex with NI2+ and Gtp
Other atoms:
Ni (5);
8dcd (Cl: 2) - Rna Ligase Rtcb From Pyrococcus Horikoshii in Complex with ZN2+ and Gtp
Other atoms:
Zn (4);
8dcf (Cl: 2) - Rna Ligase Rtcb From Pyrococcus Horikoshii in Complex with CU2+ and Gtp
Other atoms:
Cu (6);
8dcg (Cl: 4) - Structure of Guanylylated Rna Ligase Rtcb From Pyrococcus Horikoshii
8dch (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of A Highly Resistant Hiv-1 Protease Clinical Isolate PR10X with Grl-0519 (Tris-Tetrahydrofuran As P2 Ligand)
8dco (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Gdp-D-Glycero-4-Keto-D-Lyxo-Heptose-3,5- Epimerase From Campylobacter Jejuni, Serotype Hs:42
8dcq (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of Hiv-1 Lm/Ht Clade A/E CRF01 GP120 Core in Complex with Yir-821
8dct (Cl: 5) - Lysozyme Cluster 3 Dual Apo Structure
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8dcu (Cl: 5) - Lysozyme Cluster 0028 (Benzamidine Ligand)
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8dcv (Cl: 5) - Lysozyme Cluster 0043, Nag Ligand
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8dcw (Cl: 5) - Lysozyme Cluster 0062 (Nag and Benzamidine Ligands)
Other atoms:
Na (1);
8ddy (Cl: 3) - Helical Rods of Far-Red Light-Absorbing Allophycocyanin in Synechococcus Sp.
8de3 (Cl: 1) - Native Serotonin Transporter in Complex with 15B8 Fab Antibody in the Presence of Cocaine
Other atoms:
Na (2);
8de4 (Cl: 1) - Native Serotonin Transporter in Complex with 15B8 Fab in the Presence of Methamphetamine
Other atoms:
Na (2);
8deo (Cl: 2) - Structure of Aap A Domain and B-Repeats (Residues 351-813) From Staphylococcus Epidermidis
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
8df5 (Cl: 22) - Sars-Cov-2 Beta Rbd in Complex with Human ACE2 and S304 Fab and S309 Fab
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
8dg6 (Cl: 1) - Scaffold Hopping Via Ring Opening Enables Identification of Acyclic Compounds As New Complement Factor D Inhibitors
Other atoms:
F (1);
8dgl (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of the Rdfs Excisionase
8dgz (Cl: 1) - Caspase-7 Bound to Substrate Mimic and Allosteric Inhibitor
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 09:06:27 2025