Chlorine in PDB, part 185 (files: 7361-7400),
PDB 4aj2-4aqd
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Chlorine (Cl) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Chlorine atoms. PDB files: 7361-7400 (PDB 4aj2-4aqd).
4aj2 (Cl: 4) - Rat Ldha in Complex with 5-(2-Chlorophenyl)-1H-Tetrazole
4ajz (Cl: 1) - Ligand Controlled Assembly of Hexamers, Dihexamers, and Linear Multihexamer Structures By An Engineered Acylated Insulin
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
4ak5 (Cl: 2) - Native Crystal Structure of BPGH117
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
4ak7 (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of BPGH117_E303Q in Complex with Neoagarobiose
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Ca (1);
4ak8 (Cl: 1) - Structure of F241L Mutant of Langerin Carbohydrate Recognition Domain.
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
Ca (4);
4akd (Cl: 7) - High Resolution Structure of Mannose Binding Lectin From Champedak (Cmb)
Other atoms:
Cd (8);
4akj (Cl: 2) - Ligand Controlled Assembly of Hexamers, Dihexamers, and Linear Multihexamer Structures By An Engineered Acylated Insulin
Other atoms:
Zn (2);
4al3 (Cl: 1) - Peptide Deformylase (Co-Form) with Mecaptoethanol
Other atoms:
Co (1);
4alf (Cl: 2) - Pseudomonas Fluorescens Phox in Complex with Phosphate
Other atoms:
Fe (4);
Ca (6);
4ali (Cl: 24) - Crystal Structure of S. Aureus Fabi in Complex with Nadp and Triclosan (P1)
4alj (Cl: 8) - Crystal Structure of S. Aureus Fabi in Complex with Nadp and 5-Chloro-2-Phenoxyphenol
4all (Cl: 12) - Crystal Structure of S. Aureus Fabi in Complex with Nadp and Triclosan (P212121)
4alu (Cl: 1) - Benzofuropyrimidinone Inhibitors of Pim-1
Other atoms:
Br (1);
4alv (Cl: 1) - Benzofuropyrimidinone Inhibitors of Pim-1
Other atoms:
Br (1);
4amf (Cl: 3) - Pseudomonas Fluorescens Phox in Complex with the Substrate Analogue Appcp
Other atoms:
Fe (4);
Ca (6);
4amm (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Acyltransferase Domain of the Iterative Polyketide Synthase in Enediyne Biosynthesis Reveals the Molecular Basis of Substrate Specificity
4amn (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Acyltransferase Domain of the Iterative Polyketide Synthase in Enediyne Biosynthesis Reveals the Molecular Basis of Substrate Specificity
4amp (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Acyltransferase Domain of the Iterative Polyketide Synthase in Enediyne Biosynthesis Reveals the Molecular Basis of Substrate Specificity
4ano (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure Geobacillus Thermodenitrificans Essb Cytoplasmic Fragment
Other atoms:
Na (1);
4anq (Cl: 2) - Structure of G1269A Mutant Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Complex with Crizotinib
Other atoms:
F (1);
4ans (Cl: 2) - Structure of L1196M,G1269A Double Mutant Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase in Complex with Crizotinib
Other atoms:
F (1);
4anw (Cl: 2) - Complexes of PI3KGAMMA with Isoform Selective Inhibitors.
Other atoms:
F (4);
4ao1 (Cl: 2) - High Resolution Crystal Structure of Bovine Pancreatic Ribonuclease Crystallized Using Ionic Liquid
4aoj (Cl: 3) - Human Trka in Complex with the Inhibitor Az-23
Other atoms:
F (3);
Zn (6);
4aor (Cl: 2) - Cationic Trypsin in Complex with the Spinacia Oleracea Trypsin Inhibitor III (Soti-III)
Other atoms:
Ca (4);
4aot (Cl: 6) - Crystal Structure of Human Serine Threonine Kinase-10 (Lok) Bound to GW830263A
4aoz (Cl: 1) - B. Subtilis Dutpase Yncf in Complex with Du, Ppi and Mg (P212121)
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
4ap0 (Cl: 10) - The Mitotic Kinesin EG5 in Complex with Mg-Adp and Ispinesib
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
4ap2 (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Human KLHL11-CUL3 Complex at 2.8A Resolution
Other atoms:
I (1);
4ap5 (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human POFUT2
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
4ap6 (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of Human POFUT2 E54A Mutant in Complex with Gdp- Fucose
4apc (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Human Nima-Related Kinase 1 (NEK1)
4aph (Cl: 2) - Human Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme in Complex with Angiotensin-II
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
4apj (Cl: 3) - Human Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme in Complex with Bppb
4apu (Cl: 1) - Pr X-Ray Structures in Agonist Conformations Reveal Two Different Mechanisms For Partial Agonism in 11BETA-Substituted Steroid
4apx (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Mouse Cadherin-23 EC1-2 and Protocadherin-15 EC1-2 Form I
Other atoms:
K (1);
Ca (7);
4apy (Cl: 1) - Ethylene Glycol-Bound Form of P450 CYP125A3 From Mycobacterium Smegmatis
Other atoms:
Fe (1);
4aq3 (Cl: 6) - Human Bcl-2 with Phenylacylsulfonamide Inhibitor
Other atoms:
I (6);
4aqa (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Deafness Associated Mutant Mouse Cadherin-23 EC1-2D124G and Protocadherin-15 EC1-2 Form I
Other atoms:
K (1);
Ca (7);
4aqd (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Fully Glycosylated Human Butyrylcholinesterase
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:51:15 2025