Chlorine in PDB, part 367 (files: 14641-14680),
PDB 5uwx-5v4g
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Chlorine (Cl) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Chlorine atoms. PDB files: 14641-14680 (PDB 5uwx-5v4g).
5uwx (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of Inosine 5'-Monophosphate Dehydrogenase From Clostridium Perfringens Complexed with Imp and P176
5ux9 (Cl: 6) - The Crystal Structure of Chloramphenicol Acetyltransferase From Vibrio Fischeri ES114
Other atoms:
Mg (4);
5uxb (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of Macrolide 2'-Phosphotransferase Mphh From Brachybacterium Faecium, Apoenzyme
5uxc (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of Macrolide 2'-Phosphotransferase Mphh From Brachybacterium Faecium in Complex with Gdp
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
5uxd (Cl: 6) - Crystal Structure of Macrolide 2'-Phosphotransferase Mphh From Brachybacterium Faecium in Complex with Azithromycin
5uxe (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of Inosine 5'-Monophosphate Dehydrogenase From Clostridium Perfringens Complexed with Imp and P178
Other atoms:
K (3);
5uxm (Cl: 2) - Type II DAH7PS From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa with Trp Bound
Other atoms:
Co (1);
5uxn (Cl: 1) - Type II DAH7PS From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa with Tyr Bound
Other atoms:
Co (1);
5uxo (Cl: 2) - Type II DAH7PS From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Other atoms:
Co (1);
5uxz (Cl: 2) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of Halotag Bound to the P9 Benzothiadiazole Fluorogenic Ligand
5uy1 (Cl: 3) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of Apo Halotag
5uz8 (Cl: 3) - Crystal Structure of Mouse Cadherin-23 EC22-24
Other atoms:
Ca (7);
5uzc (Cl: 6) - Crystal Structure of Inosine 5'-Monophosphate Dehydrogenase From Clostridium Perfringens Complexed with Imp and P221
5uze (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of Inosine 5'-Monophosphate Dehydrogenase From Clostridium Perfringens Complexed with Imp and P182
Other atoms:
F (12);
K (2);
5uzh (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Gdp-Mannose Dehydratase From Naegleria Fowleri
5uzr (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of Citrate Synthase From Homo Sapiens
5uzs (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of Inosine 5'-Monophosphate Dehydrogenase From Clostridium Perfringens Complexed with Imp and P200
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
K (2);
5uzu (Cl: 3) - Immune Evasion By A Staphylococcal Peroxidase Inhibitor That Blocks Myeloperoxidase
Other atoms:
Ca (1);
5uzx (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of Putative Short-Chain Dehydrogenase/Reductase From Burkholderia Multivorans with Bound Nadp
5v01 (Cl: 10) - Crystal Structure of the Competence Damage-Inducible Protein A (Coma) From Klebsiella Pneumoniae Subsp. Pneumoniae Mgh 78578
Other atoms:
Na (2);
5v03 (Cl: 1) - A Positive Allosteric Modulator Binding Pocket in SK2 Ion Channels Is Shared By Riluzole and Cyppa
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
5v0f (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of C-As Lyase with Mutation K105A and Substrate Roxarsone
Other atoms:
As (1);
Fe (1);
5v0r (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme From Naegleria Fowleri with Modified CYS99
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
5v0u (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Polymerase Acid Protein (Pa) From Influenza A Virus, Wilson-Smith/1933 (H1N1) Bound to Follow on Fragment Ebsi-4723 4-(5-Chlorothiophen-2-Yl)-1H-Pyrazole
5v0w (Cl: 5) - Crystal Structure of Glycylpeptide N-Tetradecanoyltransferase From Plasmodium Vivax in Complex with Inhibitor Imp-0001088
Other atoms:
F (6);
5v0x (Cl: 3) - Crystal Structure of Glycylpeptide N-Tetradecanoyltransferase From Plasmodium Vivax in Complex with Inhibitor Imp-0001114
Other atoms:
F (3);
5v0z (Cl: 6) - Crystal Structure of Galactoside O-Acetyltransferase Complex with Coa (P32 Space Group).
5v10 (Cl: 3) - Crystal Structure of the Putative Tol-Pal System-Associated Acyl-Coa Thioesterase From Pseudomonas Aeruginosa PAO1
5v1i (Cl: 4) - Dna Polymerase Beta Ternary Product Complex with 8-Oxog:C and Inserted Dctp
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Na (3);
5v1m (Cl: 1) - Structure of Human USB1 with Uridine 5'-Monophosphate
5v1n (Cl: 2) - Dna Polymerase Beta Substrate Complex with 8-Oxog:A at the Primer Terminus and Incoming Dctp
Other atoms:
Ca (2);
Na (1);
5v1o (Cl: 3) - Dna Polymerase Beta Product Complex with 8-Oxog:A and Inserted Dctp
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Na (3);
5v1p (Cl: 4) - Dna Polymerase Beta Substrate Complex with 8-Oxog:C at the Primer Terminus and Incoming Dctp Analog
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
Na (2);
5v1r (Cl: 4) - Dna Polymerase Beta Reactant Complex with 8-Oxog:C at the Primer Terminus and Incoming Dctp
Other atoms:
Mg (3);
Na (2);
5v2c (Cl: 6) - Re-Refinement of Crystal Structure of Photosystem II Complex
Other atoms:
Mg (74);
Mn (8);
Fe (6);
Ca (8);
5v2q (Cl: 1) - Cav BETA2A Subunit: CAV1.2 Aid-Cen Complex
5v36 (Cl: 10) - 1.88 Angstrom Resolution Crystal Structure of Glutathione Reductase From Streptococcus Mutans UA159 in Complex with Fad
5v3h (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of SMYD2 with Sam and EPZ033294
Other atoms:
Zn (3);
5v49 (Cl: 3) - Trypanosoma Brucei Methionyl-Trna Synthetase in Complex with Inhibitor (Chem 1917)
5v4g (Cl: 4) - Ruthenium(II)(Cymene)(Chlorido)2-Lysozyme Adduct with Two Binding Sites
Other atoms:
Ru (3);
Na (1);
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:58:12 2025