Chlorine in PDB, part 70 (files: 2761-2800),
PDB 2oa1-2ol1
Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Chlorine (Cl) in bioorganic
molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius
around Chlorine atoms. PDB files: 2761-2800 (PDB 2oa1-2ol1).
2oa1 (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Rebh, A Fad-Dependent Halogenase From Lechevalieria Aerocolonigenes, the L-Tryptophan with Fad Complex
2oa9 (Cl: 2) - Restriction Endonuclease Mvai in the Absence of Dna
Other atoms:
Cd (15);
2oaf (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Thioesterase Superfamily (YP_508616.1) From Jannaschia Sp. CCS1 at 2.00 A Resolution
2oal (Cl: 1) - Rebh with Bound Fad
2oaw (Cl: 9) - Structure of Shh Variant of "Bergerac" Chimera of Spectrin SH3
2obd (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein
2obf (Cl: 2) - Structure of K57A Hpnmt with Inhibitor 3-Hydroxymethyl-7-(N- 4-Chlorophenylaminosulfonyl)-Thiq and Adohcy (Sah)
2obp (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Putative Dna-Binding Protein (YP_298295.1) From Ralstonia Eutropha JMP134 at 1.70 A Resolution
2oc2 (Cl: 2) - Structure of Testis Ace with RXPA380
Other atoms:
Zn (1);
2od4 (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of A Dimeric Ferredoxin-Like Protein (JCVI_PEP_1096665735785) From An Environmental Metagenome (Unidentified Marine Microbe), Sorcerer II Global Ocean Sampling Experiment at 1.70 A Resolution
2od5 (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of A Putative Nucleic Acid Binding Protein (JCVI_PEP_1096688149193) From Uncultured Marine Organism at 1.79 A Resolution
2odb (Cl: 1) - The Crystal Structure of Human CDC42 in Complex with the Crib Domain of Human P21-Activated Kinase 6 (PAK6)
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
2odi (Cl: 2) - Restriction Endonuclease Bcni-Cognate Dna Substrate Complex
Other atoms:
Ca (3);
2oe4 (Cl: 2) - High Pressure Psuedo Wild Type T4 Lysozyme
2oe7 (Cl: 2) - High-Pressure T4 Lysozyme
2oe9 (Cl: 2) - High-Pressure Structure of Pseudo-Wt T4 Lysozyme
2oea (Cl: 2) - High-Pressure Structure of Pseudo-Wt T4 Lysozyme
2og6 (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of Asparagine Oxygenase in Complex with Fe(II)
Other atoms:
Fe (1);
2oga (Cl: 4) - X-Ray Crystal Structure of S. Venezuelae Desv in Complex with Ketimine Intermediate
Other atoms:
Na (2);
2oge (Cl: 8) - X-Ray Structure of S. Venezuelae Desv in Its Internal Aldimine Form
Other atoms:
Na (2);
2ogi (Cl: 3) - Crystal Structure of A Putative Metal Dependent Phosphohydrolase (NP_688652.1) From Streptococcus Agalactiae 2603 at 1.85 A Resolution
Other atoms:
Fe (4);
2oh5 (Cl: 1) - The Crystal Structure of Infectious Cypovirus Polyhedra
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
2oh6 (Cl: 1) - The Crystal Structure of Recombinant Cypovirus Polyhedra
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
2oh7 (Cl: 1) - The Crystal Structure of Cypovirus Polyhedra Containing the Human Zip-Kinase
Other atoms:
Mg (2);
2ohi (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of Coenzyme F420H2 Oxidase (Fpra), A Diiron Flavoprotein, Reduced State
Other atoms:
Fe (16);
2ohj (Cl: 7) - Crystal Structure of Coenzyme F420H2 Oxidase (Fpra), A Diiron Flavoprotein, Inactive Oxidized State
Other atoms:
Fe (12);
2oi4 (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Human PIM1 in Complex with Fluorinated Ruthenium Pyridocarbazole
Other atoms:
F (1);
Ru (1);
2oik (Cl: 5) - Crystal Structure of Histidine Triad (Hit) Protein (YP_546612.1) From Methylobacillus Flagellatus Kt at 1.65 A Resolution
Other atoms:
Zn (4);
2oji (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of ERK2 in Complex with N-Benzyl-4-(4-(3- Chlorophenyl)-1H-Pyrazol-3-Yl)-1H-Pyrrole-2-Carboxamide
2ojj (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of ERK2 in Complex with (S)-N-(1-(3- Chloro-4-Fluorophenyl)-2-Hydroxyethyl)-4-(4-(3- Chlorophenyl)-1H-Pyrazol-3-Yl)-1H-Pyrrole-2-Carboxamide
Other atoms:
F (1);
2ojw (Cl: 5) - Crystal Structure of Human Glutamine Synthetase in Complex with Adp and Phosphate
Other atoms:
Mn (20);
2ok1 (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of JNK3 Bound to N-Benzyl-4-(4-(3- Chlorophenyl)-1H-Pyrazol-3-Yl)-1H-Pyrrole-2-Carboxamide
2okb (Cl: 2) - High Resolution Crystal Structures of Vaccinia Virus Dutpase
2okc (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of Type I Restriction Enzyme Stysji M Protein (NP_813429.1) From Bacteroides Thetaiotaomicron Vpi-5482 at 2.20 A Resolution
2okd (Cl: 1) - High Resolution Crystal Structures of Vaccinia Virus Dutpase
2oke (Cl: 1) - High Resolution Crystal Structures of Vaccinia Virus Dutpase
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
2okf (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of A Fdxn Element Excision Controlling Factor Protein (AVA_3312) From Anabaena Variabilis at 1.60 A Resolution
2okg (Cl: 3) - Structure of Effector Binding Domain of Central Glycolytic Gene Regulator (Cggr) From B. Subtilis
2ol0 (Cl: 1) - High Resolution Crystal Structures of Vaccinia Virus Dutpase
Other atoms:
Mg (1);
2ol1 (Cl: 1) - High Resolution Crystal Structures of Vaccinia Virus Dutpase
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 08:46:53 2025