Atomistry » Chlorine » PDB 7lvw-7m20
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Chlorine in PDB, part 526 (files: 21001-21040), PDB 7lvw-7m20

Experimental structures of coordination spheres of Chlorine (Cl) in bioorganic molecules from X-Ray and NMR experiments. Coordination spheres were calculated with 5.0 Angstroms radius around Chlorine atoms. PDB files: 21001-21040 (PDB 7lvw-7m20).
  1. 7lvw (Cl: 5) - Structure of Rsv F in Complex with Vhh CL184
  2. 7lvx (Cl: 8) - The Internal Aldimine Form of the Wild-Type Salmonella Typhimurium Tryptophan Synthase in Complex with N-(4'- Trifluoromethoxybenzenesulfonyl)-2-Amino-1-Ethylphosphate (F9F) at the Enzyme Alpha-Site and Cesium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site at 1.55 Angstrom Resolution
    Other atoms: Cs (9); F (3);
  3. 7lvz (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of Ado
    Other atoms: Fe (4); Mg (2);
  4. 7lwe (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of the BCL6 Btb Domain in Complex with Oicr-7629
  5. 7lwf (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of the BCL6 Btb Domain in Complex with Oicr-9320
  6. 7lwg (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of the BCL6 Btb Domain in Complex with Oicr-12694
    Other atoms: F (6);
  7. 7lx1 (Cl: 6) - The Internal Aldimine Form of the Wild-Type Salmonella Typhimurium Tryptophan Synthase in Complex with Cesium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site at 1.61 Angstrom Resolution
    Other atoms: Cs (9);
  8. 7lx8 (Cl: 1) - T4 Lysozyme Mutant L99A
  9. 7lxb (Cl: 8) - Hela-Tubulin in Complex with Cryptophycin 52
  10. 7lxg (Cl: 1) - Homocitrullinated Beta-Lactamase Oxa-48
  11. 7lxi (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of S-Adenosylmethionine-Dependent Methyltransferase Umaa From Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Complex with Sah
  12. 7ly8 (Cl: 5) - The Internal Aldimine Form of the Wild-Type Salmonella Typhimurium Tryptophan Synthase in Complex with Two Molecules of N-(4'- Trifluoromethoxybenzoyl)-2-Amino-1-Ethylphosphate (F6F) Inhibitor at the Enzyme Alpha-Site, A Single F6F Molecule at the Enzyme Beta-Site, and Sodium Ion at the Metal Coordination Site at 1.55 Angstrom Resolution. One of the Beta-Q114 Rotamer Conformations Allows A Hydrogen Bond to Form with the Plp Oxygen at the Position 3 in the Ring
    Other atoms: F (9); Na (1);
  13. 7lyx (Cl: 3) - Crystal Structure of Human CYP8B1 in Complex with (S)-Tioconazole
    Other atoms: K (1); Fe (1);
  14. 7lz0 (Cl: 2) - Structure of Glutamate Receptor-Like Channel GLR3.4 Ligand-Binding Domain in Complex with Glutamate
  15. 7lz2 (Cl: 4) - Structure of Glutamate Receptor-Like Channel GLR3.4 Ligand-Binding Domain in Complex with Methionine
    Other atoms: Na (2);
  16. 7lz8 (Cl: 2) - Tubulin-RB3_SLD-Ttl in Complex with Compound 5T
    Other atoms: Ca (4); Mg (4);
  17. 7lzk (Cl: 4) - Dhp B in Complex with 2,4-Dichlorophenol Substrate
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  18. 7lzm (Cl: 2) - Comparison of the Crystal Structure of Bacteriophage T4 Lysozyme at Low, Medium, and High Ionic Strengths
  19. 7lzn (Cl: 4) - Dhp B in Complex with 2,4-Dichlorophenol Substrate
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  20. 7lzq (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of the BCL6 Btb Domain in Complex with Oicr-4425
  21. 7lzr (Cl: 9) - Crystal Structure of the BCL6 Btb Domain in Complex with Oicr-10256
  22. 7lzs (Cl: 2) - Crystal Structure of the BCL6 Btb Domain in Complex with Oicr-11029
  23. 7m05 (Cl: 4) - Cryoem Structure of PRMT5 Bound to Covalent Pbm-Site Inhibitor Brd- 6988
  24. 7m07 (Cl: 2) - Pre-Catalytic Ternary Complex of Dna Polymerase Lambda with Bound 1-Nt Gapped Ssb Substrate and Incoming Dumpnpp
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Na (5);
  25. 7m08 (Cl: 2) - Post-Catalytic Nicked Complex of Dna Polymerase Lambda with Bound 1-Nt Gapped Ssb Substrate and Incoming Dumpnpp
    Other atoms: Na (3); Mg (1);
  26. 7m09 (Cl: 2) - Pre-Catalytic Quaternary Complex of Dna Polymerase Lambda with Blunt- Ended Dsb Substrate and Incoming Dumpnpp
    Other atoms: Ca (1); Na (3); Mg (2);
  27. 7m0a (Cl: 3) - Incomplete in Crystallo Incorporation By Dna Polymerase Lambda Bound to Blunt-Ended Dsb Substrate and Incoming Dttp
    Other atoms: Ca (1); Na (3); Mg (2);
  28. 7m0b (Cl: 4) - Pre-Catalytic Quaternary Complex of Dna Polymerase Lambda with Bound Mismatched Dsb and Incoming Dumpnpp
    Other atoms: Na (2); Mg (2);
  29. 7m0c (Cl: 2) - Post-Catalytic Nicked Complex of Dna Polymerase Lambda with Bound Mismatched Dsb Substrate
    Other atoms: Na (2); Mg (2);
  30. 7m0d (Cl: 1) - Pre-Catalytic Quaternary Complex of Dna Polymerase Lambda with Bound Complementary Dsb Substrate and Incoming Dumpnpp
    Other atoms: Mg (2); Na (5); K (6);
  31. 7m0h (Cl: 2) - Dhp B in Complex with 4-Chlorophenol Ligand
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  32. 7m0t (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Braf:MEK1 Kinases in Complex with Amppnp and Selumetinib
    Other atoms: F (1); Mg (2); Br (1);
  33. 7m0x (Cl: 1) - Crystal Structure of the Braf:MEK1 Kinases in Complex with Amppnp and PD0325901
    Other atoms: Mg (2); I (1); F (3);
  34. 7m17 (Cl: 2) - Sn-407-LRRC8A in MSP1E3D1 Lipid Nanodiscs (Pose-1)
  35. 7m18 (Cl: 8) - Hela-Tubulin in Complex with Cryptophycin 1
  36. 7m19 (Cl: 2) - Sn-407-LRRC8A in MSP1E3D1 Lipid Nanodiscs (Pose-2)
  37. 7m1i (Cl: 4) - Crystal Structure of Dehaloperoxidase B in Complex with 2,6- Dichlorophenol
    Other atoms: Fe (2);
  38. 7m1v (Cl: 1) - Structure of Zika Virus NS2B-NS3 Protease Mutant Binding the Compound NSC86314 in the Super-Open Conformation
  39. 7m1y (Cl: 2) - The Crystal Structure of Papain-Like Protease of Sars Cov-2, C111S Mutant, in Complex with Ebselen
    Other atoms: Zn (2); I (13); Na (2);
  40. 7m20 (Cl: 9) - 18-Mer Hela-Tubulin Rings in Complex with Cryptophycin 1
Page generated: Tue Feb 25 09:04:16 2025

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